We are on the move / Dubai intermezzo
We have managed to have 2x 3 seat for us on the departure flight. The true low-cost luxury! Meanwhile Tadeas slept, lying in his sleeping bag, the whole flight, Oliv made her personal best at staying awake.
Exactly till the start of landing in Dubai. That would mean till 3:30am Prague time. As a result Kaczulka did not have any sleep at all (and had to carry her afterwards). Nevertheless the flight staff was really great and loved Olive who was successively gifted by bottle of water, chips, mandarin and Bounty snack. So thank you #FlyDubai, this flight was really nice.
Landing in Dubai and all the common procedures went smoothly. Queuing in a standard immigration que we were pointed to the priority lane. Meaning yet to get used to these little advantages of traveling with kids. We have pre-booked a day use (www.dayuse.com) hotel close to the airport. And it was a wise choice to spend 8hrs stopover by having a rest there as it would be really tough otherwise. Can not imagine a better option.
Originally we wanted to go to the hotel by public bus. Easy 10 minutes ride. Unfortunately, there is kind of "Catch 22" of Terminal 2 as you need to buy a "Red Ticket" (best budget option for us and limited rides). But it is not possible to buy it within the terminal and you are pointed to go to the nearest metro station (approx 1km away). I have spent quite a lot of time by this minor issue in advance by discussing with fellow travellers online and even writing to local public trafic authority (#RTA) I was a small challenge for me so I even have an official "request ticket" with them (as on their website you can find an information that these tickets actually should be possible to get there). The last information from them is this "complaint" to be solved the day after tomorrow. So being curious. (#nouse) Well, to me it just seems they're trying to channel everyone to take a taxi. With the staring 25 AED charge.
As there was no option and with everyone tired it did not make any sense to be too stubborn. (And those who have traveled with me know that I really can be when it relates to such topics.) Taxi ride was the standard airport one. With a minor "missing the hotel, turning around, extending the route lenght and time and not visibly operating taximeter at a certain moment" resulting in giving the driver 35 instead of required 40 AED (displayed and poined at on the miraculously re-operating taximeter) without any bad feelings.
Time for a small nap in the Time Grand Plaza hotel. Well, actually, on Tadeas's "to do" first (and not much to be discussed) place was the swimming pool. So while girls went to sleep we had a short and outstanding swim instead. But soon have joined them for 3hrs refreshing and well needed nap. All of us in one large queen size bed. (Like in many cases back at home). In general positive impression of the place.
Getting back to the airport was an easy, one wave,10 minutes and 13 AED job of (this time) fair taxi driver.
Stage two, Bangkok transfer, to follow.
Well well done ! I like that wings of kids move you ahead smoothly and in a more comfortable way at some points, that is awesome :)