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Featuring Crew

The family from Prague, Czech Republic. 


Tadeáš (aka Junior), 5 years

The (radio-)active kid with great level of exploration skills, fantasy and creative mindset. Sometimes present at two places at the same time and at least one of them outside this universe. Likes Lego, Superheroes, animated movies, theater performances, drawing,  climbing high on trees,  riding bike and all outdoor activities you can imagine.


Olívie (aka Junior-ka), 2 years

The ever smile shining hippie.  Adopting all the tricks from her brother pretty fast. Maybe to be a singer. Or walking jukebox. Loves everyone. Mommy the most. Of course. Likes pickled corn, gherkins and (surprise) olives. Maybe, maybe even more than her mother.


Kaczulka (aka Mother)

Loves Tadeáš and Olívie and as some say  - her holy patience with him proves - she must love Lukas as well. Likes to explore kids creativity through various activities. 


Lukas (aka Father)

Loves Olívie, Tadeáš and Kaczulka. Likes travelling, photography, nature and diving. 


We are always happy to hear your comments and ideas. To receive or give an advice.​ So do not hesitate and​ get in touch, write or follow. Looking forward to meet new friends.


The Family Travel Circus crew
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