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First week in the Cambodia

The first days in Cambodia were planned to be a relaxation in a natural environment. Well deserved after being to the big cities and their rush.

We had landed Sihanoukville international airport after the +-1hour flight. One of those just walk out of the plane to the small arrivals/departures building airports, again. Visa applications filled and visas obtained (30 min, 30$/person; applies to kids too). When still at the immigration both kids just needed to go to loo. As there were no facilities in the immigration room they were, together with Kaczi, just let to go without any control into the toilets past the immigration. No-one even wanted to see their passports. Welcome to the Cambodia. The different country.

Airport taxi initially offered 25$ for a ride, but as they were not flexible enough to get soon under 20$ Lukas has just asked the first arrived tuk-tuk driver to take us to our place for 15$. Deal. 10km and 30min ride. To the Monkey Maya.

The very nice place at the edge of the Ream national park. With a great laid-back atmosphere, stylish, 1 x dbl + 2*sngl bed, fan, private bathroom, seaview bungalow. With a delicious food and good service at any perspective at the chillin' open restaurant space. 30€/night. 9/10

We have spent 3 nighs and days there. Just relaxing and enjoying the beach and the sea. Including the (in a night) glowing plankton. The furthest walk off the place was on a beach, some 600m.

Actually, Lukas has left after two nights towards the Sihanoukville to both have a pre-arranged meeting and to organise all necessary stuff (SIM, boat and bus tickets, diving..) for the next days.

Sihanoukville and around. And also maybe the most of the Cambodia (or even the whole region) seems to be under the strong development and influence of the China. Meaning just building a new resorts, hotels and even casinos for the Chinese tourists. No matter what it takes. And, naturally and unfortunately, it takes a lot. From the environment. And culture. What as we had a chance to understand the region is under the strong "investment pressure". The economic growth will, unfortunately, have strong consequences here. Together with the absolute uninterest in the environmental issues by the vast majority of the local population. It's truly hard to decide where exactly a respect to the local cultural specifics should stop and give a space to a more critical perspectives.

Anyway. The Family Travel Circus was once again together the next day. Having a lunch in a local restaurant on the Sihanoukville main street close to the ferry pier.

Ferry ride to the Koh Rong Samloem. The smaller, more natural, relaxed, hippie, less "party" and developed island (vs. Koh Rong). 22$/return (kids under 5 years free; and, this time Tad was under five...) 45min. There's also an option to use the slow supply boat for 5$/2hrs (one way).

The "Eco Retreat Bungalow". 1km (beach) far from the nearest "village". A simple, budget place that's probably going to change under the new owner and management. Hopefully, to become even better place than it (through all the minuses) still is. It's a place with a strong vibe you somehow have to love if you are ready and can actually appreciate it. And, we understand, it can be the hell for many others. So,..

‎...your menu choices are pre-defined and depend on a supply boat arrival. And it's easy to become a vegetarian for couple of days. But what's delivered and cooked is good and yummy. ("The hunger is the best chef" applies, especially for the kids).

‎... your jungle bungalow (for just 20$/nigh) is bit an older one. And you have to deal with the ideal mosquito net setup not no be bited too much. But you will get some bites here. (There are also sandflies present unfortunately).

‎...there is no wi-fi. We cheat by own data package, Smart provider works here.

‎... and a generator rund from 5pm till midnight. And it cannbe noisy, especially if you have to sleep in the bungalows close to it.

And now to enhance the positives:

- cold Klang beer for 1$

- ‎once collected full and quite big bag of the beach rubbish the above redefines to: for free (no worries, there's unfortunately way too much rubbish on the shores)

- ‎the Eco: Could be done a little bit more. As always. Karma at this place is for free. And free to be collected on the shores.

- ‎dedicated, motivated and nice staf.

- ‎the shalow sandy bottom sea. Just ideal for kids and chill.

- ‎the place itself has a strong vibe, the beach, the soft sand and tide, the mangrove habitat, the forest. The beautiful nature. (Everyone is kind of worried that it's not going to stay so for long.)

9/10. Close to our perfection. But renovations are the very must.

We have managed to switch the kids care and even go diving here. The dives were not bad but not spectacular either. The visibility was just some +-6 m. A lot of small plankton and sand. There are no buoys so every diving boat anchor destroys the corral. Not a huge fish diversity nor abundance.

One day we have been to the beautiful Clear Water Bay beach. (30-45 min walk) With an ideal shallow sandy bottom and truly clear water. Paradise. Especially hippie and psy-trance paradise for those who stay there at the "Driftwood" place. (Not a place to stay with kids though).

We stayed on the island for 5 nights and beautifully relaxing days. This is the place to easily forget the rest of the world rush. A place to be and to go. Just before it dissolves in new hotels and too many tourists to come.

*Everything is counted in USD (1 : 4000 Riels) here in Cambodia. And actually, the local currency works as a small change only.


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