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From the Chi Phat to the Koh Kood island

The last week of our travel was planned as the final relaxation on Thailand's Koh Kood island. Well deserved one. But first we had to get there.

So we first had to travel from the Chi Phat to the Thai border and than to the regional city of Trat. We took a moto-taxi to take us to the Andoung Teuk village (7$/moto; 30min) and waited there for an hour to be picked up by (pre-organised) bus (7$/seat; Virak Buntham company). This time we had risked to buy only 2 seats and were lucky as some passengers were soon leaving. And we were even more lucky as some foreigners have paid for the bus to take them not only to the border town of Kaoh Kong, but directly to the borders (3h). Which situation we have slightly hacked just by going with them there. This saved us some $ and an hour of the travel time. Crossing the border was supposed to be one of the easiest and scam-free. And it truly was. In some 30 minutes we were already sitting in a van going to the Trat city (120 THB, 1hr). Dropped at the bus terminal it was only 15 min (3km, 70THB) to our guesthouse. The total travel time of some 7hrs was just about the right maximum the kids were still able to handle without being too annoyed and tired. Travel trained. Feeling like proud parents.

The Pop Guesthouse (14€/night. 7/10), not a special place, but offering all we needed for the short stay. Diner and breakfast at the restaurant, 2*dbl bed, private shower, fan/air con*, onward transport pickup and downtown location to buy everything we were missing. So, while Katerina was trying to deal with the "we do not go to sleep yet" kids Lukas was making the errands. And he was also lucky to visit end enjoy nearby and very good Thai massage for just unbeatable (and almost "retro") price of 150 THB/hour before he had to take the control over the "we still do not want to go to sleep" kids.

The next day travel was also pre-organized ahead as Lukas had written an email to the Koh Kood Princess boat company, to confirm and agree on the 1500 THB return Koh Kood island transport ticket for all of us. Plus, as turned out to be already a standard, free Trat town to the pier (30km) and on the Kooh Kood island transport.

*It was not our intention, but once we had booked only a fan room and it turned out that (unlikely in many other places) that it's not enough to beat the heat) Lukas had to deal creatively with the situation. So, there is a hack possible here. Usually, many places and rooms have air-conditioning installed and the only thing you need to make it work (and pay for to be given) is a remote control. So, actually, the only thing you need to be able to successfully hack it is a good universal remote control app in your smartphone. Based on this experience of ours we can recommend Mi Remote...


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