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The Siam Reap province

The Siam Reap province is a cultural heart of the Cambodia. With the Angkor Wat as the no 1. "must see" place in the country (and maybe even within the whole SE Asia region). Nevertheless , this post will not be about it as we had been to the Angkor Wat couple of years ago and wanted to see some less common and not so overcrowded places this time.*

The van from the Preah Vihear dropped us out of the Siam Reap centre. This might have been on purpose as there was only one tuk-tuk waiting around. Discussion about our intended travel to the Banteai Srey village dropped soon the price from originally offered 35$ to still not low, but acceptable, 20$. And here we go, travelling like the locals do. 4 adults + 2 kids + backpacks (1 big + 2 medium +2 small + 2 kids). And ukulele. In one tuk-tuk. After some 40 minutes we have arrived to the village and organised a contact with a local community accomodation representative (Lukas had been in touch to pre-book) to direct us (and also deliver us) to one of the community homestays.

The Green House homestay. Some further 10km southeast from the Banteay Srei.

The first impression was kind of strange as everyone was tired after the travel and also hungry. And big boy Lukas also added a small hangover. And there was no shower in either of two rooms provided and toilet only in one of them.

But they have managed to prepare us a good lunch soon and since that moment till the very end of our stay it was only getting better. We have discovered it is actually a small farm with herbs, vegetables and few rice fields. Also with a small clear stream flowing through the land with several chillout areas provided.

There was nothing much to do, so it was just slow relaxing time waiting till the dinner. Delicious homemade taste beef with vegetables and rice. And couple of beers followed to support very nice and in-depth conversation about many aspects of life in the Cambodia.**

The next day we agreed to use their offer and a pickup car to make a full-day trip to the Beng Mealea. One of the angkorian temples, but relatively far from the Siam Reap and some 40km from our homestay. Entry fee 5$/adult. Interesting, magic and romantic place. Partly ruins but still clearly visible the huge scale and skills of that era architecture. Unfortunately, also full of Chinese tourists, who behaved ignorant and somehow unaware. Well, tourists...It took us almost 3h to walk through.

Than we decided to go (further 45km) to another highly interesting place, the Kampong Khleang. One of the "floating" villages on the large Tonle lake. The village was not floating, as during the dry season the warer level drops (maybe even some 5m), but it was still a great experience. Starting with a into the village entry scam tryout (which apparently worked on some other fellow travelers) to ask 22$/person for a boat trip. Which Lukas refused and after some discussion turned into much reasonable 22$/boat trip (2hrs).

We were all a bit tired and also dried up after the midday high heat (+-38°C) ride on the open pick-up so we first needed some lunch and break. Provided in one local "restaurant" where we all ate for 6$. The following boat trip took us through the really large village a and dry season fields to the Tonle lake itself and back. Spectacular, photogenic and to remember experience. The kids both enjoyed it too. Especially that they both can play with the dead, dried, flat old snake skins they founded just before departing. The best toys for them apparently.

In the late afternoon, after our boat arrival back, we rided to the Siam Reap city, to drop there Matej and Bara and than back to our homestay. Romantic full moon night ride back. It was a very long day, some +-130km travelled, but it was worth it and well rewarding.

Also the second day of our stay we decided to take again an advantage of the pick-up car and to go to the Kulen Mountain National Park (entry 20$/adult). Hindu and Buddhist sacred and one of the most important places of the Khmer history. We have visited the longest reclining Buddha statue in Cambodia, a river of the 1000 lingas and the Kulen waterfall with a nice swimming just above it. Kids really appreciated to have a dip there. Lukas also did a rough moto trip (10$) to furter 9km remote place with an elephant statue called the Elephant pool. Than, in the afternoon, we were taken to our Siam Reap hotel. They did not ask anything for the car rides directly and left it upon us. So we gave them some 50$ to cover the petrol costs (some 250km) and to hopefully add some extra for the safe driving and help with everything needed.

The great two days with very nice people from the Green House Guesthouse. The accomodation quality is just basic (5-10$ / room, 5/10), but the hospitality level and kindness was really excellent and somehow natural. If anyone is heading this direction think of paying your visit there to support their long-term community oriented development plans! Our overall experience 9/10.

Our Siam Reap experience could be summarised pretty easily into the simple statement: "Having a rest and staying close to the hotel pool."

First, two nights, at the Okay 1 Villa with a great rooftop pool, good breakfast and always ready to help staff. 27$/night. 1*dbl + 1*sngl bed, aircon, private bathroom, breakfast included. 8/10

Than, one night, at the King Butique hotel. Same disposition and services as the previous one, but with simple breakfast. 22$/night. 7/10

*We definitely highly recommend evereyone the visit to the Angkor temples. Ideally for 3 days. To see the most of it. 15-20$ tuk-tuk/day or it is even better and cheaper, but more demanding, on a bike.

**Among a few we are able to clearly state here belongs a fact that there is a very difficult past. And there is a peaceful, but complicated presence a some kind of stability. The country could be rated as economically growing, yet we are not sure how much of the future profits/losses goes on account of the ordinary Khmers. There are a few very rich people and many much, much poorer. Though the average living standard is on a raise. And than there is the longest serving prime minister in the world here too.

1 Comment

Jarka Diviskova
Jarka Diviskova
Mar 14, 2018

Beautiful Woman as always ;-)

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